New Camera Club comes to South Park, bringing Photography Education to the High Country.

Bernie Nagy Photographer nature photography photo tips Rocky Mountains South Park Colorado

The first official meeting of the Greater South Park Area Camera Club and membership sign up is being held on Sunday, November 16th at 11AM at the Riverside Inn Conference room on Hwy 285 in Fairplay.

 The club welcomes all levels of photography enthusiasts to join other new members who have a wide spectrum of experience and training. Some have point and shoot cameras and others have professional equipment; but no matter what anyone currently uses, members will make everyone feel part of the group. With many of the 2015 activities and meetings planned, there will be something everyone can relate to.

The club will offer a great way for novices to learn about photography by sharing ideas and information with other members.

Membership dues will be decided at the meeting. Suggested prices are $25.00 per adult,

$35.00 for family members, and $15.00 for students annually.

The club's goal will be to offer the following:

Fellowship with other photographers to learn, explore, and share experiences

Bi-monthly meetings, outdoor activities and indoor events

Access to the club website members’ only area, once established

Monthly Photo Challenges and contests


For more information, contact Organizer, Bernie Nagy

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