Rocky Mountain Wildflowers — San Louis Valley

Colorado’s Wildflower Season is in Full Bloom in the Rocky Mountains

Bernie Nagy Photographer Colorado High country. Colorado Wildflowers Crested Butte Fairy Slipper Glacier Lily Identifying Wildflowers Indian Paintbrush Linda Nagy Author Marsh Marigold nature photography Pocket Field Guide Rabbit Ear's Pass Rocky Mountain Wildflower Field Guide Rocky Mountain Wildflowers Rocky Mountains San Louis Valley South Park Wild Iris

After a somewhat slow start because of late snows in the high country of Colorado’s Rocky Mountains, the wildflower blooming season has finally arrived. My husband nature photographer, Bernie Nagy, and I made several short trips in June and witnessed some spectacular wildflower displays. In Crested Butte near Gothic we saw hillsides colored yellow with Glacier Lilies; and in the San Louis Valley, fields were covered with bright yellow Wallflowers. A local store employee in Villa Grove said, "I’ve lived here all my life and I haven’t seen the Wallflowers anywhere near as plentiful in ten years!"         ...

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