Rocky Mountain Wildflowers — Trillium
Wildflowers, Especially Lilies, are Abundant this Spring in the Blue Ridge Mountains.
May-Apple phlox Pink Lady Slippers Rocky Mountain Wildflower Field Guide Trillium wildflower identification yellow trout lily

Springtime Wildflowers Are Appearing in the Northeast Georgia Mountains
Early summer wildflowers Linda Nagy Author Pink Lady Slippers Rocky Mountain Wildflowers Field Guide Trillium wildflower book wildflower identification Wildflower Photography
It is springtime in Georgia and here are some flowers blooming now in the northeast Georgia mountains. Yesterday, on a small hike at Smithgall Woods near Helen, GA, we spotted quite a few Pink Lady’s Slippers in the woods. These flowers are members of the Orchid Family and are considered rare for the area. This showy flower has a large petal pouch (approximately 2 ½ inches) resembling a slipper that grows on a single stem from basal leaves. Trillium are also starting to bloom. The deep red Vasey’s Trillium and the White Erect Trillium are members of the...