Rocky Mountain Wildflowers — Early summer wildflowers
Wildflowers Are Popping up All Over Colorado.
Alpine Avens Arrowleaf Balsamroot Early summer wildflowers Fairplay Green Gentian Identifying Wildflowers Larkspur Rocky Mountain Wildflower Field Guide Snow Buttercups

Wild Irises in Colorado’s High Country
Bernie Nagy Photographer Colorado Wildflowers Early summer wildflowers Identifying Wildflowers Linda Nagy Author nature photography Rocky Mountain Wildflowers Field Guide South Park Colorado Wild Iris

Rocky Mountain Wildflowers are Blooming early in Colorado’s Wildflower Capital, Crested Butte as the Wildflower Festival Time Approaches.
Bernie Nagy Photographer Colorado High country. Colorado Life Magazine Colorado Tourism Colorado Wildflowers Crested Butte Crested Butte Wildflower Festival Early summer wildflowers Identifying Wildflowers Indian Paintbrush Linda Nagy Author Mule's Ears Pocket Field Guide Rocky Mountain Columbine Rocky Mountain Research Lab Rocky Mountain Wildflowers Field Guide Scarlet Gilia Wild Iris wildflower book wildflower identification Wildflower Photography

Spring Wildflowers in Arizona Are Blooming in Profusion.
Blue Phacelia Brittlebush Early summer wildflowers Fairy Duster Ocotillo Rocky Mountain Wildflowers Field Guide wildflower book wildflower identification Wildflower Photography
Desert wildflowers are abundant in Southern Arizona this spring. The plentiful wildflowers are the result of a mild and wet winter. Here are some wildflowers and blooming bushes that one can easily see now. California Poppy covers whole hillsides and sometimes mixes with Lupine for brilliant color displays. Its yellow to orange cup-shaped flowers consist of 4 petals. Lupine, a member of the Pea Family, has dense spiked clusters of blue flowers and leaves that are palmately divided into 5 to 9 leaflets. The Brittlebush blooms from November to May and can also cover whole areas along the roadsides...
Springtime Wildflowers Are Appearing in the Northeast Georgia Mountains
Early summer wildflowers Linda Nagy Author Pink Lady Slippers Rocky Mountain Wildflowers Field Guide Trillium wildflower book wildflower identification Wildflower Photography
It is springtime in Georgia and here are some flowers blooming now in the northeast Georgia mountains. Yesterday, on a small hike at Smithgall Woods near Helen, GA, we spotted quite a few Pink Lady’s Slippers in the woods. These flowers are members of the Orchid Family and are considered rare for the area. This showy flower has a large petal pouch (approximately 2 ½ inches) resembling a slipper that grows on a single stem from basal leaves. Trillium are also starting to bloom. The deep red Vasey’s Trillium and the White Erect Trillium are members of the...