Rocky Mountain Wildflowers

High Country Artworks Just Added New Products for the Upcoming Holiday Season.

With the Christmas season soon approaching, High Country Artworks has added new products just in time for holiday gift giving. All of the favorite items are still available as well as the following featured items. There are now three new kitchen cutting boards with photographs by award-winning photographer, Bernie Nagy. A single Rocky Mountain Columbine, bright red Indian Paintbrushes, and dainty Fairy Slipper Wildflowers are the new designs augmenting the current best-selling designs with photographs by Bernie Nagy and artwork by Linda Nagy. These unique tempered glass boards made in America are practically indestructible and can be used for cutting,...

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Rocky Mountain Wildflowers Field Guide---a Best Seller for High Country Artworks

Colorado Wildflowers Identifying Wildflowers Indian Paintbrush Linda Nagy Author mariposa lily nature photography Pocket Field Guide Rocky Mountain Columbine Rocky Mountain Wildflower Field Guide Rocky Mountain Wildflowers Rocky Mountains Silvery Lupine

      This year there are fantastic wildflower displays all over Colorado. Blooming now are Lupine, Indian Paintbrushes, Columbine, Mariposa Lilies, and Aspen Sunflowers---just to mention a few. These wildflowers and others have created more interest and demand for Rocky Mountain Wildflower Field Guide as people want to identify the flowers. The handy pocket-sized guide written by naturalist Linda Nagy with photographs by her award-winning photographer husband Bernie Nagy is selling well throughout Colorado. Last year in August the book received from Colorado Independent Publishers Association three top awards in the book categories of Reference, Nature, and Layout and Interior Design....

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Enjoy Colorado’s Wildflowers at Crested Butte’s Wildflower Festival and Throughout the Rocky Mountain Region during the Peak Blooming Time.

Aspen Sunflowers Bernie Nagy Photographer Colorado Wildflowers Crested Butte Identifying Wildflowers Larkspur Linda Nagy Author Mule's Ears nature photography Pocket Field Guide Rocky Mountain Wildflower Field Guide Rocky Mountain Wildflowers Rocky Mountains Silvery Lupine

This year is proving to be a spectacular year for wildflowers. Along roadways, trails, and in fields and in high country meadows, colorful blooms can be seen everywhere in abundance. If you have a chance, you should visit Crested Butte Colorado during the 2015 Crested Butte Wildflower Festival. The week-long event takes place July 13-19 with additional events continuing through August. Even if you don’t attend scheduled events that are well worth the price, you can travel the back roads on your own to enjoy fantastic wildflower displays.      Aspen Sunflowers and Meadow with Larkspur, Aspen Sunflowers and Mule's Ears...

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Early Wildflowers Spring up with the Melting Snow in Colorado’s High Country.

Bernie Nagy Photographer Colorado High country. Colorado Midland Railroad Colorado wildflowers Eleven Mile Canyon eleven Mile Reservoir Emma lake Globeflower Idlewild Park Indian Paintbrush Lake George Linda Nagy Author Marsh Marigold Penstemon Rocky Mountain Wildflowers Rocky Mountain Wildflowers Field Guide Snow Buttercup South Park South Platte River Spinney Reservoir Wild Burros Wild Iris Wildflower identification Wildflower Photography Wildflower Train

Snow and ice melting with the warming early summer sun in the upper mountain meadows provide nourishing water for the slowly sprouting alpine wildflowers. Soon the first flowers appear---Globeflowers with divided leaves, Marsh Marigold with heart-shaped leaves, and yellow Snow Buttercups with stringy leaves. The flowers below were photographed by Bernie Nagy above Emma Lake near Alma, Colorado. When the first hikers arrive to climb Colorado’s Rocky Mountain peaks, they will find a wide variety of much smaller and tiny subalpine species blooming in addition.            In earlier times from 1887 to 1918, the Colorado Midland Railroad transported...

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Rocky Mountain Columbine and Claret Cup Cactus declared by Colorado’s General Assembly to be the State’s Official Symbols.

award-winning books Claret Cup Cactus Colorado State Flower Colorado wildflowers Identifying Wildflowers nature photography Pocket Field Guide Rocky Mountain Columbine Rocky Mountain Wildflowers Rocky Mountain Wildflowers Field Guide Rocky Mountains Wildflower identification Wildflower Photography

Let’s hear it for the school children of Colorado! Twice they have influenced the legislature in naming official state symbols. The Rocky Mountain Columbine began its road to becoming the state flower in1891 as it was voted overwhelming the favorite flower of Colorado’s school children. The white and lavender Columbine, Aquilegia caerulea or coerulea, was adopted as the official state flower on April 4, 1899 by an act of the General Assembly.       Discovered in 1820 on Pike's Peak by mountain climber Edwin James, the columbine was also named and described by him. The two spelling confusions are due...

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